HOH 4 Majority Rules:
1. The majority of the houseguests thinks
a] Dan should have won BB14
b] Ian was the rightful winner2. The majority of the houseguests think
a] Chilltown was the best alliance [BB2 & BBAS]
b] Renegades was the best alliance [BB10]3. The majority of the houseguests think
a] Janelle is the best blonde [BB6, BBAS, BB14]b] Britney is the best blonde [BB12, BB14]
4. The majority of the houseguests think
a] BB9 was the worst season ever!
b] BB13 was the worst season ever!5. During BB8,the majority of the houseguests were team
a] Dick and Danieleb] Eric and Jessica
6. The majority of the houseguests think
a] Will Kirby was the best player [BB2 & BBAS]b] Dan Gheesling was the best player [BB10 & BB14]
7. The majority of the houseguests think
a] Brenchel will last forever
b] Brenchel are doomed8. The majority of the houseguests think the most deserving of the following winners is
a] Jordan [BB11]b] Adam [BB9]
9. Which was the more entertaining fight?
a] Ragan vs Rachel [BB12]b] Libra vs Jessie vs Keesha [BB10]
10. The majority of the houseguests believe
a] HOH is better to win
b] POV is better to win11. The majority of the houseguests have
a] watched at least 10 out of 14 BB seasons
b] haven't watched at least 10 out of 14 BB seasons12. The majority of the houseguests
a] get the feeds
b] don't get the feeds13. The majority of the houseguests think that on BB8
a] Dick won on his own merit
b] Dick won because of America's Player14. The majority of the houseguests preferred
a] The Legion of Doom [BBAS]b] Sovs4 [BBAS]
15. Which runner-up deserved to win their season more?
a] Daniele [BB8]b] Alison [BB4]